A mentor who knows both worlds and who speaks the language of lawyers and business economists as well as that of doctors, is required.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Uwe Peter

Dear network user

You have landed on the SWK site during your flight through the World Wide Web. Welcome! Either you were simply surfing and came across it by chance or you perhaps even specifically searched for SWK or SWK Consulting under the relevant keywords.

Either way – congratulations, you have some exciting moments ahead of you!

In all these cases, you’ve come to the right place!

You are a doctor employed at a hospital or a general practice and want to set up your own practice or are simply looking for a new job?

You are a practising doctor of any age and are thinking about how you want to restructure your practice and possibly make it fit for a later sale?

You are the medical and/or commercial director of a hospital, you want to set up an outpatient medical care centre (MVZ), are looking for a practice to integrate into your existing MVZ or want to sell your hospital or individual parts of your hospital MVZ group?

You are a national or international investor considering entering the exciting German healthcare market, which is currently undergoing extreme change?

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The brain behind the logo

Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Ralf Uwe Peter, full name Sir Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Uwe Peter KCR:
I am a doctor, entrepreneur, strategist, negotiation expert, advisor, in short:

your mentor

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What does SWK Consulting stand for and who is behind it?

SWK stands for strategy, wealth, and knowledge. These terms are directly related or interdependent: of course, it is possible to prosper without strategy and knowledge, but with these skills it is easier and more likely.

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Our three pillars


Back in 2012, I sold a vascular hospital and in order to save it from another takeover I bought it back and sold it again in 2020…



We define wealth in a comprehensive way: not only in the sense of having a lot of money, but as a life situation in which you…


Knowledge is an essential prerequisite of a strategic operation. This is not just a matter of reading about things or in the lecture hall…